With spring moving towards us, it won’t be long before home improvement projects start. So no doubt somebody, somewhere in America, will be working with drywall. Although typically safe, working with the common, building material has the potential to cause eye injuries. In most circumstances, the injuries are a result of drywall dust.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that drywall dust may cause a host of problems. They list eye injuries as only one of them. The other potential injuries include, but are not contained to respiratory tract damage. As such, they recommend taking a number of precautionary measures which you can read about in their free publications (99-113). We choose to focus on prescription safety glasses.
When working with drywall, we recommend wearing wraparound glasses. The wraparound feature helps prevent fine dust particles from encroaching on the eyes by way of the skin or air. The wraparound frames are also form-fitting as well as slim enough to be worn with dust particle masks, hooded jump suits and other renovation related apparel.
In addition to serving as a dust barrier, prescription safety glasses will prevent spackling and joint compounds from accidentally falling into the eyes during ceiling work. Just like drywall dust, exposure to spackling and joint compound has the ability to cause health concerns. Losing control of one’s spackling knife, join tape and other drywalling accessories could cause eye problems as well.
Additionally, we’d like to mention that prescription safety glasses are made for men and women. Some of the glasses are meant for use in specific industries or with certain tasks, including home renovations. With that said, to find the perfect pair of protective lenses for your next drywall project and have them shipped to your home, please contact VS Eyewear.
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