When most people think of dangerous seasons to drive in, they tend to think of winter ice in the north, or spring deluges that can wash out roads. However, while Fall is a season of beauty, with all the leaves changing color and the edge being taken off of summer’s heat, there are certain hazards you need to prepare for if you’re getting behind the wheel. These warnings, and the strategies are brought to you by Esurance and AARP.
Tip #1: Watch Out For Leaves
The leaves changing their colors is one of the most iconic features of Fall, and this happens in parts of Florida as well as further north. However, those leaves are responsible for more traffic accidents than most people would believe. The leaves are no threat as long as they stay on the trees, but when they start falling, they become a hazard to drive through. Your tires need to keep in contact with the road if they’re to get traction, and if there are leaves (or worse, wet leaves) between your rubber and the road, that can lead to skids, slips, and uncontrolled fishtailing in a heartbeat.
That doesn’t mean that every leaf is out to get you, but it does mean you should be a little more cautious if there’s a red, yellow, and orange spray of them across the road on a wet night.
Tip #2: Remember Daylight Savings Time Ends
While “gaining” another hour when you fall back for daylight savings time might feel great, it’s important to remember that this can be a serious issue if you’re on the road during a certain time of day. If you’re used to the sun being high in the sky when you go to work, it might be right in your face, or filling up your rearview mirror thanks to that one hour of difference. The same is true of your evening commute home. Driving while sun blind is not only uncomfortable, but it makes you a risk to the road around you if you don’t take precautions.
Tip #3: Everyone is Going Back to School
Summer can spoil even the best drivers. If you get used to a certain traffic flow over three months, or so, it can come as a shock when the morning commute lanes are suddenly full of buses and students. If you can avoid being on the road when kids are going to, or coming home from, school, then you’ll have significantly fewer risks to deal with. If that isn’t possible, though, then you may want to consider using different routes in order to minimize your time stuck behind big, yellow machines.
Tip #4: Fog and Frost
As the temperatures cool down, and rain becomes more common, you’re going to end up with chill, misty nights. That’s why so many horror movies are set in the fall, since the atmosphere is perfect for limiting visibility. What works great in the movies is terrible for drivers, though. Early mornings and evenings, when the warmer weather of the day hits the rapidly cooling night air, tends to be when fog springs up, hiding dangers from drivers that they could otherwise easily avoid. Pay attention to the weather forecast, and look out the window from time to time. If the fog is bad, consider staying where you are until it blows over. Better to be late, than to get wrecked on the road.
Frost is often more insidious (and may only show up in the northern parts of Florida most years), but it is no less of a threat than fog. If you’ve had a rainy day, then those slick puddles could easily frost over, creating thin sheets of black ice on the roads. So, if you feel a chill when you’re walking to your car, it’s probably a good idea to use a little extra caution.
Tip #5: Night Driving Sunglasses
Night driving sunglasses are an ideal way to preserve your dark vision, and avoid problems while you’re on the road. These glasses are specially treated to reduce glare, meaning that if someone comes up behind you with halogen headlamps, or you’re trying to preserve your night vision while a line of cars are going the other way, you won’t be running blind while your eyes adjust. Check out our full selection of night driving sunglasses to help keep you safe behind the wheel!
For more safety tips you should keep in mind, simply contact us today!
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