If you wear prescription eyeglasses, you’ve undoubtedly struggled with how to protect your eyes from sunlight. A common way is with prescription sunglasses. However, we think clip-on sunglasses are a better solution for a number of reasons-here’s why.
#1. Less Expensive
The reason many people give for not wearing prescription sunglasses is that they are too expensive. As a result, some will go with regular sunglasses, which do nothing to correct their vision. A pair of our polarized, clip-on sunglasses costs less than a pair of prescription sunglasses would, so you can protect your eyes without breaking your budget.
#2. Flip up for Easy Convenience
Prescription sunglasses are great for outdoor use, but should not be worn inside. Accordingly, you may need to constantly switch back and forth between them and your regular glasses when you are going in and out. Clip-on sunglasses, on the other hand, can be flipped up when they are no longer needed. This allows you to transition rather quickly and eliminates the need to keep switching glasses.
#3. Will Adapt to Future Prescriptions
Most people will only wear the same prescription for about a year or two. When your prescription changes, you will also need a new pair of prescription sunglasses. That’s not the case with clip-on sunglasses. Since they fit over top of your regular glasses, you can adapt them to any prescription. Consequently, you can get many years’ worth of practical use from a single pair.
Protecting your eyes and ensuring good vision are equally important. Polarized, flip-up sunglasses safeguard against UV rays while providing clear, sharp eyesight under any condition. They are also lightweight, attractive, and easy to carry. Here at VS Eyewear, we have a huge selection of clip-on sunglasses, and invite you to contact us for help in choosing the right pair.

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