Driving at night is inherently more dangerous, and that is especially true in winter.
Shorter days cause fatigue, and the glare from snow and ice only makes it harder to see. If you’ll be doing any night driving, you’ll want to keep these safety tips in mind.
#1. Get Plenty of Sleep
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that fatigued driving accounted for more than 91,000 accidents in 2017. The likelihood you will become drowsy behind the wheel increases as the days grow shorter. Some evidence suggests that this is due to increased melatonin production during the winter months.
To counteract this natural feeling of tiredness, you’ll need to get plenty of rest. Ensure at least eight hours of sleep each night, particularly before a long trip. If you do feel sleepy while driving, pull over and get some coffee or take a nap.
#2. Slow Down
During winter, you must always be vigilant about black ice. Certain wildlife such as deer are also more active, so you should be on the lookout for them as well. You can’t necessarily avoid these hazards, but you can drive slower. Allow yourself plenty of time to get to your destination, and avoid speeding especially when it’s dark.
Other Safety Tips
Some other ways to stay safe in winter include:
- Keeping headlights, windshields, and windshield wipers clean and in good condition.
- Focusing on the center line rather than looking into oncoming headlights.
- Angling side view mirrors slightly downward. This will result in fewer reflections inside your car.
- Keeping your eyes moving constantly to avoid straining them.
Another way to stay safe is by having the right pair of night driving glasses. Night driving glasses reduce glare to keep you safer, not just in winter but all year round. Here at VS Eyewear, we offer a huge selection of these glasses, and invite you to contact us to find out more.

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