The majority of our life is spent in front of a computer monitor; whether it be from sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day, or watching videos and browsing the web during our down time.
As useful, and even necessary as they are, this habit of screen-staring can be harmful to the overall health of our eyes. The blue-light emitted from these computer, tablet, television and smart phone screens contains damaging Ultra Violet (UV) light and causes a distracting glare. This light is the cause of eye-strain, headaches, and fatigue we experience from all of this screen time. Protecting our eyes is vital, because few things are more important than our vision. Specialized computer glasses can help to eliminate all of the aforementioned risks. VS-Eyewear offers solutions to these and many other issues.
VS-Eyewear’s specialized computer lens is a polycarbonate, double coated, customized lens. Polycarbonate is a type of material used in the making of lenses; it is thinner and lighter than traditional plastic, is impact resistant, more scratch resistant, and has UV protection built into it. These lenses also use an anti-reflective coating on both the front and the back side of the lens to further benefit your vision. If you are extra-sensitive to the light, you may also want to consider peach or light beige tinted lenses which will reduce the headache and strain-causing light even more so.
But what if you need multi-focal glasses? The progressive computer lens contains both a reading distance towards the bottom of the lens and a mid-range/intermediate distance in the rest of the lens. This means no more looking over the top of your reading glasses to read your screen. You can switch from reading your keyboard or notes to reading your screen by simply shifting your gaze, not by changing the situation of your glasses…or worse yet, taking them off and putting them back on. The positioning of these different powers in your lens will be customized to your personal eyes and frame. This allows for you to have the most customized, comfortable, and safe accessory for your eyes as you work or play on your computer.
Check out VS-Eyewear’s FAQ for more information on all of their great eyewear options, including the Sheer Vision and Sheer Glare lenses, or to get started with your pair!
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